Top Natural Tips For Menstrual (PMS) Relief

First things first, it is not always easy to manage your period. Let's tell that you're flying overseas in a small room nearby with a tiny bathroom. The air travel can also interrupt the natural rhythm of your body. Which is worth knowing, because sometimes this can affect your period.

Periods can cause pain , fatigue, bloating, and irritability, but that is not necessarily the way they should be. Here are eight tips and tricks that might make your month 's time a little easier, more manageable and even pleasurable.

1. Eat dark chocolate
We definitely don't need to note that while you're in your time, chocolate tastes much better – so you need to be sure that it's 70 percent cacao to offset the nutrition that we normally lack from bleeding. And this refers only to normal, dark chocolate and is not a free pass for healthy chocolate for all

2.Don’t overdo the caffeine
Caffeine, linked to increasing oestrogen levels, can make your PMS symptoms worse, so instead opt for green tea. Alcohol has the same effect as decreasing blood sugar.

3.Have an orgasm
Having an orgasm while the uterus contracts over your period and increases blood flow, which can reduce pain in the period. The pleasure also gives your brain a hit of natural chemicals to relieve pain. To get you started, try our guide to female masturbation.

4.Track your cycle
Don't let your time spend on you and catch you unexpectedly when you're out and about and unprepared. A ton of applications will support you, or go old school with paper and a pad.

5.Fight cramps with acupressure
Apparently, rubbing the left hand's palm with a tiny 'O' form right below the thumb knuckle will help relieve cramps – ideal for a public position when you're out of painkiller.

6.Organise yourself
Put your sanitary products into a small bag or tin in your handbag so they don’t fall around inside your bag.

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