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Are you satisfied with the way you are right now living your life ?
If yes, then you are successful in your life.

Success is what you feel about the way you look towards your life, your mental health your financial stability and your social life and personal life .
Success definition varies from person to person, every individual has its own definition for success.

Mostly people consider someone success when he or she has achieved something in their lives or how charismatic their lifestyle is .

Here are some traits that are pretty common in a unsuccessful people and can be easily seen by a common person.

Wanting to get lucky 
Unsuccessful people always think that its their luck, because of which they are living this kind of lifestyle. They never see the opportunity and just wait or pray to get successful through getting lucky in their life. Whereas a successful person works hard.

Fear of failure
As unsuccessful always has the fear of getting failed in whatever field they work, because of this habit they never take the risk. Taking risk is necessary in ones life. World is full of opportunity and taking risk is mandatory. One should learn from mistakes. No one is immune with fear of failure. Deal with that fear and never let your fear divert you from your respective goals.
No goals
Set goals in life is important as it makes you work towards achieving it . Unsuccessful people never sets goals, they just dream of being successful but they don't define what success they want, in what field they want success. They are pretty aimless. It is necessary to have aim in life as it direct towards your goals. So set goals where you want in coming future and work hard and smart.

So, always try to never miss the opportunity in your life and once you get the opportunity make the best use of it by setting goals, working hard and fear of failure in your life.

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