
Top Natural Tips For Menstrual (PMS) Relief

First things first, it is not always easy to manage your period. Let's tell that you're flying overseas in a small room nearby with a tiny bathroom. The air travel can also interrupt the natural rhythm of your body. Which is worth knowing, because sometimes this can affect your period. Periods can cause pain , fatigue, bloating, and irritability, but that is not necessarily the way they should be. Here are eight tips and tricks that might make your month 's time a little easier, more manageable and even pleasurable. 1. Eat dark chocolate We definitely don't need to note that while you're in your time, chocolate tastes much better – so you need to be sure that it's 70 percent cacao to offset the nutrition that we normally lack from bleeding. And this refers only to normal, dark chocolate and is not a free pass for healthy chocolate for all 2.Don’t overdo the caffeine Caffeine, linked to increasing oestrogen levels, can make your PMS symptoms worse, so


3 HABITS OF UNSUCCESSFUL PEOPLE This post may contain affiliate links. If you buy something through one of those links, you won't pay a penny more, but I'll get a small commission that helps keep the lights on. Thanks! Are you satisfied with the way you are right now living your life ? If yes, then you are successful in your life. Success is what you feel about the way you look towards your life, your mental health your financial stability and your social life and personal life . Success definition varies from person to person, every individual has its own definition for success. Mostly people consider someone success when he or she has achieved something in their lives or how charismatic their lifestyle is . Here are some traits that are pretty common in a unsuccessful people and can be easily seen by a common person. Wanting to get lucky  Unsuccessful people always think that its their luck, because of which they are living this kind of lifestyle. They

3 Most Common Mental Health Disorders

                                                      Human face stress, loss and adversity in variety of ways . Many of us experience low mood and spirit when faced with difficult of loss, we may lose sleep, appetite and may not feel like socializing or meeting people.This change in behavior is a normal human reaction to stressful situation.                                                 But symptoms such as low mood, hopelessness change in appetite sleep pattern loss of interest in habits feeling of guilt persist more than a 2 weeks and negatively affect our social domestic occupational functioning than it is not a normal reaction but a pathological one and may merit to a concern of clinical depression. "Mental disorder is a very common problem among the people in the world." Now we are going to talk about top 3 most common mental disorders . 1 . Anxiety Disorders                                         Anxiety disorders are of serious concern. While the state of anxiet